In Praise of Music


What more can I say?

This one word stirs imagination, memory, and soul,

Dear God and Creator of all that is good.

God, creator of music.



Our ability to make it,

The ways it impacts brain, soul, and spirit,

The global variety of musical expression,

The messages it carries,

Love, hope, grief, friendship, peace, justice.

The rhythms of dance.


All of creation makes music,

Rustling leaves, rhythm of a pecking woodpecker, beat of a bird’s wings, trumpet of an elephant’s call, rain, wind,

Foot steps,

Breathing lungs and beating hearts,

Drum, cymbal, guitar, piano, pan flute, trombone, bag pipes, rain stick, gong,

Marimba, cello, balalalika, sitar, tambourine, kalimba, gamelan, dulcimer, kazoo,

Clap, whistle, stomp, hum,



Our souls,

Our world,

Needs hopeful music,

Lyrics that inspire,

Melodies that unite,

Riffs that challenge,

Harmonies to join,

Rhythms of our common humanity, the common good,

Beats that move our feet, that make us sway,

Grand arias,

Quiet lullabies,

Hymns of praise,

Psalms of lament,

Raps of justice.


Creator God,

In pandemic and quarantine, in loneliness and separation,

In hope and relief, in connection and friendship,

We praise you for the gift of music.

May we listen to, make, and sing music of hope and love,

Music that glorifies You.


Note- image from Google Free Photos, Pexels; words by Lida Merrill

Prayer to God, Loving Parent, Abba

You, loving Creator who has many names,

God Who Sees,

God Who is Present,

God Who is All Knowing,

God Who Heals,

God Who Provides,

Alpha and Omega,

the Beginning and the End.

This morning I, we, need You to be Abba.

Abba, Parent, who is all wise and all love.

A Parent unlike any earthly mother or father.

The Creating Parent, who knows the final outcome,

The honorable decision,

The just direction,

The kind answer,

The merciful response,

The compassionate solution,

The righteous action,

The generous provision.

Abba, tender Creating Parent,

My prayers go to You this morning.

I pray for those who are

Chafing at isolation from loved ones,






In financial need,



Unsafe in their homes,




Creating Parent, please be a loving presence in their day.


Give them encouraging words,

Give them dreams of being loved,

Send angels to give them gentle touches and hugs,

Prompt someone to contact them,

Open the eyes of neighbors to see unsafe children and families, and how they can wisely intervene,

Open storehouses of food and resources.

If You, as the Loving, Creating, All Knowing Parent have made me/us to be the answer of anyone’s prayers than please

Nudge us,

Whisper to us,

Point the way for us,

Open our hearts and minds to see,

Make us restless,

Cause us to be uncomfortable

Until we respond,

Kind, generous, courageous, merciful and just responses.

Tiny or grand responses,

Whatever response is needed.

And, Abba, Loving Parent, if we are the ones in need, please hear our prayers.

To You be the power, and the glory now and forever,



Note- image used is a sunset on Lake Erie, photographed by author